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Happy House Cleaning
game show
Territories handled by Nippon TV

Ever wondered how much that dusty vase in your attic is actually worth? What if a worn-out piano in your living room could turn into a fortune? HAPPY HOUSE CLEANING uncovers how much people’s possessions are really worth, and how far people are willing to go, if what they own could somehow help make their wishes come true.

Sometimes it costs money to make your dreams come true. What will people do to make that happen?  How about selling some of their stuff? Well it's not that simple.

HAPPY HOUSE CLEANING is a brand new format that uncovers how much people's precious possessions are really worth and how far they are willing to go to get what they want.

Here's how it works:
Someone needs cash for something they think is really important;
- A family of 10 who desperately needs a vacation;
- Old dad surrounded by antiques but can't afford to buy a car for his daughter;
- a freeloader who needs cash to buy his lady a gift;
- a super rich family who needs to renovate their dog's mansion.

There is an Expert who gives a reality lesson about everything's true value.

Most of the time the truth is tough to take. But sometimes a gem is discovered in the midst of all the junk. Who is willing to make a great sacrifice to put them over the top? What embarrassing items will come out of the closet in desperation?

HAPPY HOUSE CLEANING lets the audience share in the funny...touching...dramatic...and ridiculous moments as people put their most intimate things on display in order to make their wishes come true.