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Impress Us
Factual Entertainment
Territories handled by Nippon TV

Never be camera-shy - be camera-aggressive!

Let your inner voice be heard! "Impress Us" is a factual entertainment show where anybody can participate and invent unique performances through cameras fixed around the country! The questions and challenges are cast to the general public. For example, "Improvise an original rap and let go of your day-to-day stress" or "Yell out 'yoohoo!' from a mountaintop, then whisper a secret". Stunning confessions are made by those who saw the challenge through social media or were simply passing by one of the fixed cameras placed in various places like train stations, bars, and mountain tops. You'll even see some celebrities partaking in the laughter-inducing revelations in front of the fixed camera!
In the studio, five celebrity guests watch the answers and express how "impressed" they are by pushing the button in front of them. The best answer for each question / challenge will win a US$300 cash prize. And finally, the best of the best, "Most Impressive Performance" is selected for the entire show and awarded a US$3,000 cash prize. It's never the right time to be camera-shy in "Impress Us" - be camera-aggressive!