Last chance for embattled stem cell scientist

  The Japanese scientist at the center of a scandal over stem cell research has been given a final chance to prove her credibility.

Haruko Obokata joined an experiment on Wednesday to demonstrate her claims.

The 30-year-old scientist shot to fame earlier this year when she reported a revolutionary process to create stem cells.

But she soon came under fire for allegedly manipulating her research.

Obokata will try to replicate the technique under the supervision of Japan’s Riken research institute.

Her work will be closely monitored through video and other means.

Obokata said last April she had managed to verify her process more than 200 times.

She now has five months to demonstrate the integrity of her research.

Coauthor of the papers, Harvard scientist Charles Vacanti agreed to retract them on concerns over their credibility.

But he expressed confidence in Obokata’s method for creating stem cells.

Vacanti said he trusted the concept could be verified.