HOME > Program Catalog > Animation > Laughing Under the Clouds
Laughing Under the Clouds
Animation HD
12 episodes
30 min.
Yuichi Nakamura(Tenka Kumou), Yuki Kaji(Soramaru Kumou), Tsubasa Yonaga(Chutaro Kumou)

It was then that the government built Japan’s biggest prison for felons in Lake Biwa, the largest lake in the country. Located in Shiga Prefecture close to Kyoto, the prison was made to be escape-proof.

The three Kumou brothers took on the task of guarding the prison.

Follow them as their daring adventures unfold!

It was 1878, the 11th year of the Meiji period.

The age of the samurai had ended and the streets were lined with western-style buildings. This was indeed the dawning of modern Japan.

As the country rapidly westernized, the samurai saw their privileges taken away and became increasingly dissatisfied with the government. Convicts crammed the prisons and jailbreaks were rampant.

It was then that the government built Japan's biggest prison for felons in Lake Biwa, the largest lake in the country. Located in Shiga Prefecture close to Kyoto, the prison was made to be escape-proof.

The three Kumou brothers took on the task of guarding the prison.

Follow them as their daring adventures unfold!

The Kumou brothers share a strong bond. Tenka, the oldest, has stepped into their parents' shoes ever since they were orphaned. He quickly subdues the criminals and stops them from escaping.

Soramaru, the middle child who is serious and hardworking, and Chutaro, the youngest who always obeys Tenka, grew up under the constant protection of their oldest brother.

A certain rumor starts to spread around the prison that is under the brothers' watchful eyes...

Witness their growth as they try to uncover the truth behind the rumor. Just what secret remains hidden within these prison walls!?