Princess Aiko attends annual Spring Garden Party for first time-Transcript of the conversation

The Spring Garden Party, hosted by Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, was held at the Akasaka Palace grounds on April 23. 
It was attended for the first time by the Emperor and Empress’ daughter Princess Aiko, along with several members of the Imperial Family, and about 1,400 guests. 
Around 400 more people attended compared to last year’s event; notable guests included graphic artist Yokoo Tadanori and actor Kitaoji Kinya, and others. 
Kitaoji spoke with the Emperor and Empress and offered his congratulations on the graduation and recent employment of their daughter Princess Aiko. 

SOUNDBITE transcript 

S/ Kitaoji Kinya, actor: Congratulations on the graduation and new employment of your daughter Princess Aiko.
S/ Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako: Thank you very much.
S/ Kitaoji Kinya, actor: I know it must be difficult starting a new job, but I wish her the best of luck.
S/ Empress Masako: She’s surrounded by many nice people and is enjoying herself very much.
S/ Kitaoji Kinya, actor: Having those sorts of people around you is very important.
S/ Empress Masako: Her coworkers are also very nice.
S/ Kitaoji Kinya, actor: Oh, I’m really glad to hear that. Princess Aiko smiled the entire time during her first Spring Garden Party and chatted with the attendees about their various works and interests.

Princess Aiko smiled the entire time during her first Spring Garden Party and chatted with the attendees about their various works and interests.