Kabuto Helmet given to US President Trump sells out in Japan
This traditional kabuto helmet is decorated with gold ornaments.The helmet, from Tottori Prefecture, was given to US Pre...
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Emperor and family see special exhibit of Kyoto imperial villa-turned-temple
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko visited the Tokyo National Museum on February 6.They t...
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Heavy snow envelopes UNESCO world heritage Shirakawa-go
A heavy snow warning was issued in Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture on February 4.There was less snow before noon, ...
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New sumo grand champion helps celebrate setsubun
Hoshoryu, the new yokozuna or sumo grand champion hailing from Mongolia, helped celebrate the spring festival setsubun a...
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Imperial family attends wheelchair basketball championship
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, and Princess Aiko attended the 50th Emperor’s Cup wheelchair basketball championship h...
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Emperor and Empress to possibly visit Mongolia in July
Nippon TV has learned that Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako are considering an official visit to Mongolia in July thi...
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Japan to recommend ancient imperial capitals in Nara for World Heritage
The Japanese government decided on January 28 to recommend archaeological sites in Nara Prefecture, western Japan, to be...
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Emperor, Empress, and Princess Aiko visit Monet exhibit
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, and Princess Aiko visited the “Monet: The Late Waterscapes” exhibition at the National...
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Fuji TV chairman and president to step down over Nakai scandal
Executives of Fuji Television held a press conference on January 27 to talk about the network's response to a sex scanda...
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Princess Hisako attends Tokyo National Museums new exhibition
Princess Hisako of Takamado attended on January 20 the opening of Tokyo National Museum’s special exhibition commemorati...
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