Tokyo gubernatorial campaign launches

video in Japanese

The Tokyo gubernatorial campaign got underway today (Thursday) in Japan.

16 people are vying to lead the world’s largest city.

Japan’s ruling party backs former health minister Yoichi Masuzoe, who is stressing disaster preparedness and social welfare.

But with the ruling party planning to restart the country’s nuclear plants if they meet safety standards, the race has also become a vote on Japan’s nuclear policy.

Masazoe’s main opponent is onetime prime minister Morihiro Hosokawa, who favors zero nuclear power.

Hosokawa told voters he would leave nuclear energy behind and build a new Japan based on renewables.

Hosokawa has the backing of fellow ex-prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, who came out against nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster.

Other candidates include a liberal lawyer and a hawkish former military chief.

The post opened up when then-governor Naoki Inose stepped down over a money scandal.

Tokyo voters decide their next leader on February 9.