Thai youth face life-changing lottery

Every year, young men in Thailand enter a lottery that could change their lives.

The prize…? Two years of military service.

We followed some young men as they underwent the nerve-wracking ritual.

Young men between 21 and 30 gather at a temple in Bangkok.

One man says he’s stressed out.

Another says there’s not much he can do about it.

In principle, all Thai men over 21 have to do military service.

But a lottery decides which of them will actually go.

A military officer says their budget only allows them to draft a certain number of men.

Even transsexuals are not exempt.

Many men are rumored to feign illness to avoid service.

Avoidance is punishable by a ten-year prison term.

A black card exempts you from service.

A red card means you serve.

A young woman says she hopes her boyfriend draws black, but it’s ok if he serves because she’s sure he’ll stay in touch.

105 men draw cards today—among them are 22 red cards.

The man gets lucky—all the red cards are drawn before his turn.

Another young man ends up with a red card.

His mother says he’s a softy and military service will toughen him up.

Two colors and two cards—two lives taking different paths after the world’s most unusual lottery.